Find Your Perfect Hair Colour at HairLab Hair Salon in Basingstoke
With so many amazing hair colour techniques available at HairLab hairdressing salon in Basingstoke, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming as to know what each service actually is!
If you would like your HairLab stylist to transform your hair with any of the hair colours mentioned, book your next appointment at your local Basingstoke salon by calling 01256 700 670.
Hair colouring techniques explained at Top Salon in Hampshire
Highlights: Usually used to lighten the hair but can also be used to add rich brown tones, pastels, or even vibrant colours. For touching up the roots of already coloured hair or lightening a darker base. Looks natural as the colour grows out as there is no definite line between colour and regrowth. can be used with 1 or more colours depending on look going for
Toner: When you’ve pre-lightened the hair, highlighted or full head, it’s always recommended that you use a toner on the hair as it naturalises any yellow/brassy tones. To get a cool ash blonde, you need to lift with pre-lightener to the correct level then tone to neutralise and get the correct tone. Which is why we call it a toner.
Colour glossing: Preferably used on virgin or coloured hair on a similar base shade without grey to create tone and shine. Leaves a glossy finish and can add depth or richness to the colour.
Ombre: A technique of lightening the hair and leaving a darker base so you can see the transition from dark to light, or dark to pastel.
Balayage: Similar to ombre but looks more subtle and blended. harder to detect the transition from dark to light as the dark has light scattered through.
What hair colour will suit my skin tone?
Your natural skin tone plays a big part when choosing the correct hair colour. If you choose a shade that is too dark for your skin tone, you may look washed out; opt for a hair colour that is too light and your hair can seemingly ‘disappear’ against your skin.
Hair Colours for Darker Skin Tones: If you have a darker skin tone, then you can pull off brighter colours and rich tones. How about some gorgeous brunette lowlights, a full head of golden highlights or hand-painted balayage?
Hair Colours for Pale Skin: Porcelain skin tone often has olive undertones which allows you to choose lighter hair colours such as champagne or platinum shades. Strawberry blondes and copper hair shades also look great on lighter skin tones.
Hair Colours for Warm Skin Tones: Warm skin tone has undertones of yellow and gold. Try cool browns and copper hair colours.
Hair Colours for Neutral Skin: You’re one of the lucky ones! Great news is you will suit most hair colours so why not give them all a whirl!?
Hairdressing deals in Basingstoke at HairLab hair salon
Don’t forget, we offer BIG discounts on last minute appointments – we also have great salon offers for hair colour – click here to claim your deal. *Terms and conditions apply.
To book your hair colour appointment call us on 01256 700 670.